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Senador Jorge Larraf1aga: Estoy en contra del proctyeo Aratired (Entrevistado por el semanario Brecha, 8/4/11)—Hablando precisamente de inversiones vinculadas a la tierra, bfel megaproctyeo minero de Aratired es beneficioso para el paeds en te9rminos ambientales, sociales, productivos?—Ahhh, creo que hay que estudiarlo. Tenemos muy serias interrogantes del impacto ambiental, productivo y social de ese emprendimiento. Porque hay un avance de la sojizacif3n, de la forestacif3n, y ahora podreda ser de la minereda, en detrimento del paeds productivo y de sectores como el agredcola. Yo creo que hay que examinar el proctyeo Aratired. Le digo me1s: en estas condiciones, con estas interrogantes, estoy en contra. Hay muchos productores movilizados y preocupados que alertan de que se pueden dejar 150 mil hecte1reas en Uruguay como un queso, generando una contaminacif3n de tierras y perjudicando a sectores agroturedsticos de enorme trascendencia. Ademe1s este emprendimiento pagareda un canon bajo, y no es correcto modificar el Cf3digo de Minereda para alentar este proctyeo.


Hildete this news has been everywhere and it is great news to evoenrye in the agriculture business and as you note, how the government addresses foreign investment will a leveraging factor. Given the infrastructure of Brazil is in need of a huge overhaul, it will be interesting to see how well this and future administrations will protect their investment of this sector. There is a picture that keeps reminding me of situations like this an astronaut, on the surface of Mars, holding the country flag . and sitting on a horse. Improving their infrastructure will domino everywhere in their economy as well as invite outside investors, much like the introduction of the interstate highways. From what I am seeing in my own industry in Brazil (IT / HRIS / Proj Mgmt), my belief for protecting these investments with the proper maintenance as well as considerable preparation for undertaking massive projects is an educational process that needs to be given a greater focus and much higher value in Brazil.


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