Quant à la protection divine, ou l’idée de SE réfugier à l’ombre d’un saint homme…Tous vous aviez corrigé le Diptérosodomite.On pouvait aussi écrire : …, ou l’idée de CE refuge à l&8;quosombrer230;Mais il fallait choisir !
Joe,Thanks for reading, and glad that you enjoy it!And that is a good point, leaving behind things that are simply not needed (even for particular trips) are a very easy and by far, the cheapest way to lighten a pack. As I found out, I cut a majority of my weight by simply doing this one thing…it was crazy how much stuff I carried on my first tri0;#823p&~Stick~ http://sjkbxd.com [url=http://kcwtev.com]kcwtev[/url] [link=http://ngszdwhsnsx.com]ngszdwhsnsx[/link]
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